KORAL is an installation about the vulnerability of nature. It is a total experience of sound, light, color, movement and space. The shell-shaped space is based on the golden ratio. Inside, the specially composed soundscape is all around. The moving and luminous origami shapes breath as if they are alive and can respond to visitors. The whole has a hypnotic and soothing influence on the viewer.
Modular system FIE
To create this total experience it was necessary to built a space which excludes daylight. The starting point was to design a dome-shaped space made of cheap and easily available materials and can also be build quickly and easily. Shape and size must be variable. The modular system Fie, made of 3D printed connectors, PVC pipes and cardboard has all these properties. The ratio of the pipes and cardboard is based on the golden ratio. A water-resistant version of the modular system, made of bamboo and bio-laminate, is being developed.
The shape of the space is inspired by the golden ratio and spiral curves that often appear in nature. Shells or broccoli grow in this so-called logarithmic spiral.
The ambient soundscape is composed in collaboration with Toon Bosch and Dirk Jan Smid, both students at the Prins Claus Conservatoire in Groningen. Eight speakers have been set up around the space, all of which are controlled separately by a computer.